The importance of good surveillance camera maintenance

Home maintenance of surveillance cameras


No premises is completely invulnerable to criminal activity and therefore a crucial element that every business should invest in is an effective surveillance camera system and good camera maintenance.


These camera networks protect the commercial security of your commercial security of your buildings and the personal security of your employees, both of which are invaluable to a business owner.



CCTV maintenance procedure


However, it is important to remember that neglecting proper and regular maintenance of your CCTV system can render it unusable. In order to find out how to perform good surveillance camera maintenance we have put together this simple guide, in which we explore the benefits and importance of CCTV system maintenance and why it is essential for your business.


Why is CCTV beneficial for a company?


A properly installed and maintained video surveillance system provides a number of benefits to a business. Sometimes the mere sight of CCTV cameras placed around an establishment is enough to intimidate potential thieves. Their mere presence is a great deterrent, and will also make your employees feel protected throughout their workday.

If properly installed, CCTV networks are impenetrable and almost impossible to circumvent. A decent system should contain few blind spots, with a targeted approach to the highest risk areas of your individual location. Professional CCTV companies will be able to provide technicians to advise on the most appropriate camera configuration.


Why is CCTV camera maintenance so important?


Every business is susceptible to theft, and video surveillance is an important issue that cannot be underestimated. That is why good maintenance and upkeep will be of vital importance.

Prevention is better than cure, and it is always best to monitor camera performance frequently; should they fail during a burglary, you will regret not having taken these steps. Also, if you try to claim from insurance companies and it comes out that you have not been aware of camera maintenance, this could make insurers less willing to pay you for damages and losses.


Over time, the layout of your building may change, along with the location of cash registers or other vulnerable elements. Therefore, the current configuration of your camera system may no longer be as useful as before, and may need to be reviewed or adjusted.

Although most CCTV cameras are of high quality, they can occasionally suffer from failures, which can compromise the effectiveness of the system. Maintenance can identify any technical problems and fix them in time.


In addition to your personal checks, it is also advisable to have a trained professional perform an assessment at least once a year to carry out a more thorough review of your system with an expert eye.


It is also advisable to keep a record of the maintenance actions you perform and create company policies to enforce and document this periodic maintenance.

If you feel that your CCTV cameras are not performing as well as they should, contact a trusted specialist who can offer professional advice and maintenance services, as well as carry out a CCTV maintenance procedure.


What is the best way to maintain surveillance cameras?


If you take the trouble to check your surveillance cameras every few months and maintain them properly, you could save yourself a lot of trouble in the future.

Keeping camera lenses clean will prevent the accumulation of dirt that could hinder the performance of the device.

Also check that the cables are not frayed and show no signs of wear, and don't forget to frequently check the image quality and power supply of the devices.




Electrotel Barcelona is distributed by AXIS Communications as an Authorized Partner.


This allows Electrotel Barcelona to offer the sale and installation of all AXIS Communications IP network video camera solutions.



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